International Association of Special Investigation Units
Ohio Chapter Constitution and Bylaws
ARTICLE I - Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
The Organization shall be known as the Ohio Chapter of International Association of Special Investigation Units (“Association”). The name of the Association shall not be used publicly by any member, other than by use of his/her membership card for identification purposes, without the express written permission of the Association’s Board of Directors. This shall not restrict the officers, appointees, or agents of the Association in the use of the name to carry out the purpose or business of the Association.
Section 2: Purpose
The purpose and objectives of the Association shall be:
A. To promote a coordinated effort within the insurance industry to combat, deter, and/or prevent insurance fraud.
B. To provide education and training for individuals dedicated to combatting, deterring, and/or preventing insurance fraud.
C. To develop a greater awareness of the insurance fraud problem within the industry and the communities in which we serve.
D. To encourage high professional standards of conduct for individuals dedicated to combatting, deterring, and/or preventing insurance fraud.
E. To support legislation which acts as a deterrent to the crime of insurance fraud.
F. To encourage members in the development and implementation of programs designed to facilitate the coordination and cooperation with law enforcement and criminal justice agencies in the investigation and prosecution of insurance fraud crimes.
Section 3: Restrictions
A. This Association is to be considered a private, not-for-profit organization.
B. No funds from the Association may be used to align with any political body, group, or person(s) to advance the candidacy of any individual.
ARTICLE II - Membership
Section 1: Membership
A. All Ohio chapter IASIU members must be members of the International Association of Special Investigation Units with the exception of sworn law enforcement and fire department personnel.
B. Regular membership shall include:
1. Insurance company employees whose primary purpose is the full-time investigation and or supervision of investigation of insurance fraud.
2. An employee of a self-insured corporation who is employed and assigned to a special investigations unit and whose primary purpose is the full-time investigation and/or supervision of investigations of insurance fraud. The individual and organization must be engaged in anti-fraud activities and must be in conformance with the goals and objective of the Association. Provided, however, any such individual whose professional activities or personal background are considered adverse to the objectives and interests of the Association shall not be deemed eligible for membership.
3. A special agent or supervisory agent of the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).
4. Any other full-time insurance associate who proactively identifies questionable claims on a regular basis and who is endorsed, in writing, by a Regular member.
C. Associate membership shall include:
1. A sworn local, state, or federal law enforcement officer, a sworn local, state, or federal fire department personnel, or a prosecutor who is involved in or provides special expertise or services for the investigation of and/or prosecution of insurance fraud crimes.
2. A full-time investigator or investigations supervisor of a state insurance fraud bureau.
3. Any individual or representative of any insurance company or of a governmental agency who is involved in, or provides special expertise of services for the investigation of insurance fraud, who is endorsed, in writing, by a Regular Member.
4. Regular and Associate members who retire and are not currently employed in the insurance industry or in a capacity eligible for membership are eligible to continue membership as an Associate member.
5. Associate membership shall be granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Associate members shall have the privileges of regular members except they may not hold office and do not have voting privileges. Associate members may be excluded from any business meeting by a majority vote of the Board members present.
6. Dues for Associate membership shall be in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board of Directors.
D. "Of Counsel" membership shall include the appointed Association counsel. This membership will have all the benefits of Regular Membership, with the exception of voting privileges, without the payment of dues.
E. Legal Advocate membership requirements shall include:
1. Nominated by a Regular member with five years of active and continued membership, and
2. Licensed to practice law in the state where membership is being sought,
3. Certify to the Association Membership Committee that providing legal counsel and representation to insurers in defense of insurance claims constitutes a majority of their practice
4. Certify to the Association Membership Committee s/he does not engage in plaintiff advocacy against insurers except on behalf of other insurers in subrogation actions: and
5. Agree to immediately report to the Association Membership Committee any change in these conditions and thereupon resign from Association membership.
6. If, at any time, the above conditions and certifications are no longer correct, the Board of Directors shall void the membership immediately.
7. A Legal Advocate member will have no voting privileges nor be eligible to hold office or Board of Director's position at the local chapter. Legal Advocate members may be excluded from any business meeting by a majority vote of the Board members present.
F. Life Member
1. May include individuals nominated by the Association Membership Committee and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors based upon the following guidelines:
a. The individual must be or have been a regular or associate member of the Association for a minimum of ten years; and
b. The individual must have rendered distinctive service to the Association through participation on committees and/or service as an officer or member of the Board of Directors for a minimum of five years.
2. Life membership is to recognize outstanding contribution of those regular and/or associate members meeting the above minimum requirements.
3. A Life member shall have all the rights and privileges of a Regular member without payment of dues.
4. Nominations for Life membership shall be made to the Membership Committee Chairperson at least sixty days prior to the annual meeting. The Membership Committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors for Life Membership. No more than three nominations for such membership may be approved by the Board in any one calendar year.
G. No person, firm, corporation, or partnership shall be eligible for any class of membership if he/she is a member of, is associated with, or becomes associated with any corporation, firm, proprietorship, partnership, business, entity, or association whose objective, goals, and/or operations are inconsistent and/or adverse to the purpose, objectives, and/or interests of the Association.
H. If circumstances develop such that an existing member is no longer qualified to be a member of the Association, he or she may request to the Board of Directors an extension of his or her eligibility for membership in order to provide an opportunity to re-qualify for membership. If approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, that extension of membership opportunity will last no longer than 180 days. However, a member will not be entitled to this extension if he or she becomes ineligible due to any other provision(s) of these Bylaws.
Section 2: Application Procedures
A. Applications for membership in the Association shall be submitted to the Association in the manner designated by the Board of Directors on an approved membership application form, containing the name and signature of a Regular member as sponsor of the application. In the case of an online application, the signature of the Regular member may be submitted as an e-signature.
B. Payment of the application fee and one year's membership dues shall be submitted with the application. Membership dues shall not be prorated.
Section 3: Membership Approval
A. The Board of Directors shall determine the eligibility for membership for each applicant.
B. Upon acceptance of the application, a welcome letter/packet will be sent to the new member.
Section 4: Membership Termination
A. Membership shall continue so long as membership dues are paid and the member meets all other eligibility requirements.
B. Should any member terminate his or her membership in the International association, membership in the Ohio Chapter shall also terminate effective the date of termination with the International association.
ARTICLE III - Election and Terms of Officers/Directors
Section 1: Officers and Directors
A. The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
B. The Directors of the Association shall consist of the four officers outlined in Article III, Section 1 (A), the Outgoing President, and the balance from other Regular members of the Association who have been nominated and elected to the Board, not to exceed a total of eleven.
Section 2: Terms of Office
A. The term of office for Officers and Directors shall be two years, or until the election of the Officer/Director’s successor.
B. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, staggered terms of office may be instituted to ensure no more than two thirds of the Board are up for election in any given year.
C. Individuals must qualify as a Regular member to be eligible to hold an Officer or Director position.
D. If an existing Officer or Director becomes ineligible to be a Regular member during his/her term, the Officer or Director shall have the shorter of 180 days, or the end of his/her term to re-qualify as a Regular member and remain in office.
Section 3: Vacancies
A. Any vacancy occurring among the Officers or Directors shall be filled by appointment by the President. The term will be the remaining portion of the term vacated.
B. If the office of President becomes vacant, he/she will be replaced by the Vice-President. The term will be the remaining portion of the term vacated.
Section 4: Elections
A. All Officers and Directors shall be elected at an annual meeting.
B. All companies and/or organizations represented by Regular members at the annual meeting shall have one (1) vote for the purpose of election of Officers and Directors.
C. All companies or organizations of Regular members must select one individual who is a Regular member to cast the company's vote during the election of Officers and Directors. This company or organization must inform the Secretary of the individual authorized to cast the company vote prior to the start of the annual business meeting.
D. All Regular members in good standing shall have the right to cast individual votes on all other Association business placed before them at the annual business meeting, other than the election of officers and directors.
E. All votes, for Officers and Directors, must be in person. However, in circumstances deemed and voted upon, as "exceptional" by the Board of Directors, electronic voting will be permitted. In these circumstances, the use of an electronic voting platform will be permissible. No ballots may be cast via email, telephonic or regular mail should such circumstance arise. "Exceptional" will be defined to mean that an "in person" vote, as to Officers and Directors, is unable to take place.
F. Ballots will be electronically stored for a term of at least five (5) years. Ballots may be made available for inspection, question or controversy so long as good cause exists.
ARTICLE IV - Government
Section 1: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors (Board) shall consist of eleven (11) members, including the four officers outlined in Article III, Section 1 (A), the Outgoing President, and the balance from other Regular members of the Association who have been nominated and elected to the Board.
A. The term of office will be two (2) years or until the election of the respective successor at the annual meeting.
B. Individuals must qualify as a Regular member to be eligible to hold a Director position.
Section 2: Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors
A. The Board of Directors shall have full power to initiate and transact the business necessary to sustain the existence of the Association and the observance of its purposes.
B. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
C. The Board shall determine the time and location of the annual meeting and inform the membership, in writing, at least thirty (30) days in advance of the time and location of the annual meeting.
D. Each Board member shall have one (1) vote.
Section 3: Duties and Powers of the President
A. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. It shall be his/her responsibility to supervise and coordinate the activities of the Association.
B. The President shall preside at meetings, including Board of Directors meetings, and shall appoint appropriate committees to be responsible for the activities of the Association.
Section 4: Duties and Powers of the Vice-President
A. The Vice-president shall preside in the absence of the President.
B. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President in any matter of Association business.
Section 5: Duties and Powers of the Secretary
A. The Secretary shall keep the records and minutes of meetings and retain and preserve the Constitution and By-Laws.
B. The Secretary shall maintain a listing of all current members.
Section 6: Duties and Powers of the Treasurer
A. The Treasurer shall be custodian and depositor of funds of the Association.
B. Funds shall only be disbursed as authorized and approved by the Board or Directors.
C. The Treasurer shall make a complete reporting at the annual meeting and to the Board of Directors at each Board Meeting.
Section 7: Duties and Powers of the Administrator
A. The Board of Directors may, by majority vote, appoint an individual or firm to act as Administrator of the Association.
B. The rate of reimbursement for the Administrator or the Association shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
C. The duties and responsibilities of the Administrator shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 8: Legal Counsel
A. The Board of Directors may, by two-thirds vote, appoint an individual or firm to serve as legal counsel to the Association.
B. The rate of reimbursement for the appointed legal counsel of the Association shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 9: Compensation
A. Members of the Board of Directors shall not receive any salary for their services, but on resolution of the Board, a fixed sum for expenses of attendance, if any, may be allowed for the attendance of each meeting, regular or special.
B. The Board may, by two-thirds vote, provide a fixed sum for registration expenses for any Board member to attend the annual International association conference.
ARTICLE V - Meetings
Section 1: Annual Meeting
A. The annual business meeting of the Association shall be held in conjunction with the annual Association seminar.
B. The date, time, and location of the annual business meeting shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
C. The annual business meeting shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 2: Board of Directors Meetings
A. The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of four times during a calendar year. One of the meetings may occur at the annual meeting and seminar.
B. The Board may elect to hold additional meetings to conduct business of the Association.
C. The Board, by two-thirds vote, shall determine the date, time, and location for any Board meeting.
D. The Board of Directors, by two-thirds vote, may hold executive sessions of the Board and exclude any individual not duly elected as an Officer or Director of the Association.
E. Minutes of all Board meetings shall be kept by the Secretary and, after the minutes have been read and approved by the Board, shall be open for inspection by any member of the Association.
Section 3: Notification
A. Notification of the annual meeting shall be as prescribed in Article V, Section 1.
B. Notification of all Board meetings shall be given to Board members at least thirty (30) days in advance.
ARTICLE VI - Finances
Section 1: Fees and Dues
A. Application fees and annual dues for each class of membership will be set by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.
B. Dues shall be submitted at the time of submission of the membership application.
Section 2: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be the calendar year from January 1st to December 31st.
Section 3: Grants
A. Any grant or financial aid received shall be handled within the terms of the grant.
B. No grant or financial aid shall be accepted that is not compatible with the goals and purposes of the Association.
Section 4: Not for Profit Organization
The Association is organized and shall be operated for charitable and/or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code.
ARTICLE VII - Amendments
Section 1: Requirements
A. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Association by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, providing:
1. The proposed amendment is presented with form consistent and without conflict with the remainder of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.
2. The proposed amendment is disseminated to the general membership for review through an association publication at least thirty (30) days prior to the next regular or special meeting of the Association.
B. The Bylaws may be amended by a special procedure conducted in writing by a vote of two-thirds of the regular members responding, providing:
1. The proposed amendment is presented with form consistent and without conflict with the remainder of the Bylaws of the Association.
2. The proposed amendment is disseminated to the general regular membership for review through an Association publication and allowing forty-five days or the next Board of Directors meeting, whichever is longer, for return of ballots before final tabulation of votes are made, providing:
a. Regular members may return ballots via US Mail, private carrier, electronic transmission, or by facsimile to an address or phone number designated by the Board of Directors.
b. All ballots must have the name, signature, member ID number, address, and phone number of the voting member. If the ballot is returned by electronic transmission, the ballot must be returned by the form designated by the Board of Directors and include the member ID number.
For purposes of these Bylaws, unless otherwise noted, a majority shall constitute two-thirds.
(Revised October 15, 2020)